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omh won taiyuan city outstanding project award
date of issue:2013-08-20

taiyuan science and technology award for the year 2013 announced recently, the project “research of belt droved skid conveyor " declared by our company won 2013 taiyuan city outstanding scientific project award, according to the requirement of taiyuan city science reward regulation and work review plan, through online review, field visit, review meeting, etc.

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omh science group co.,ltd.-凯发公司

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  • telephone:0351-3633918
  • mobile phone:13080310001
  • address:no.51, xinlan road, taiyuan, shanxi, china

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp ****2001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp ****2001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

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